I am a little embarrassed about how long it has been since I have posted anything. Writing really helps me to clear my head and I really need to do it more often. The past few weeks have been full of trials and heartbreak and honestly looking for the positives in life has been hard. Luckily two of my biggest blessings call me Mom and constantly do things that amaze and humble me.
This past week Dylan woke up with more excitement than usual for an early morning (the boys obviously get their love of mornings from their Mom). He was so excited to tell me about what happened after he went to bed. He said when he was in bed he couldn't find his teddy, his teddy he has had since he was a baby and sleeps with EVERY night. Dylan told me how sad he was, but then he thought of something he could do. He knew that if he said a prayer Heavenly Father would help him find his teddy, so he said a prayer and after he finished he found his teddy. Seriously one of the proudest Mommy moments I have had seeing his testimony grow!
Yesterday (Thursday) was one of those days full of trials and tears. We went to bed late Wednesday and hardly slept, we put an offer on a home that we fell in love with. We were so excited to hopefully get good news the next day. Thursday started like any other weekday, Kelly's alarm going off, him hitting snooze, his alarm going off again and him hitting snooze, again. Finally after kicking him out of bed so I could go back to sleep while the boys were still asleep I heard a terrible commotion of dogs freaking out upstairs. Our two dogs and my sisters. They weren't just freaking out it was a something is wrong kind of bark. Kelly had been upstairs when this happened and knew something was wrong too. He ran out side and found a big husky in our backyard shaking our poor old cat for all it was worth. Our other cat, this cats brother (we've had both cats for over 14 years) ran and was attacking the dog. Kelly grabbed a shovel and was able to chase the dog off. But at that point the damage had already been done. The damn dog had broken Garfield's back. It was at this point that Kelly came downstairs and instead of kissing me goodbye and leaving for work he told me I needed to come upstairs and that the cat was hurt, bad. We tried to move him but he was in so much pain and it just made it worse. We called animal control. We waited over an hour for animal control to get here. While all this was going on, we got the not so good news about the house offer too. It was blow after blow. So for over and hour we watched the cat suffer and watched our other cat, his brother staying with him. We tried and tried to find the dog that had done this but didn't have any luck. Until hours later one of our neighbors saw it out killing their chickens. They called animal control who responded a little quicker that time and they caught the dog. This dog had been out for around 4 hours, killing. The thing that makes me so angry is that they returned the dog to it's owner, who lives at the end of our street. What happens if it gets out again? What if it isn't an animal it hurts next time? I was never so happy to see a day come to an end. Friday has been just the type of day I needed. We packed a picnic and Grandma, Jordyn and the boys and I headed off to the park. It was such a peaceful, relaxing time. As I began to gather up the garbage one of my amazing little blessings began picking up garbage that other people had left. He wanted to leave the park cleaner than we found it and make it nice for the animals. Another huge humbling, amazing Mommy moment when I get to see that some of the things we are trying so hard to teach them is actually sticking.
Nothing even comes close to being able to clear my head and bring my heart peace as moments like those. I'm so thankful for those moments that Heavenly Father gives me.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
FYI Political Drama (and rant)
I haven't blogged in a long long time and I've been dying to start again, but finding a spare minute has been really hard. Yesterday and today were some of the most frustrating days and I have so many emotions that I just can't sit still. I need to vent and I need to feel like my opinion is heard.
Having a husband in the army is such a trying thing. I am so proud of him and the sacrifices he's making to support our family through his hard work and service. While he hasn't been deployed YET he's at the beginning of his term and has 6 more years to go. He's already spent 6 months away from our boys and me and that was the longest 6 months of my life. I felt like he missed out on so much. There were so many little moments with the boys that he didn't get to be there for and that will always make me sad. But such is the army lifestyle and we knew that having long periods of time of him being gone just goes with it. But one thing I was not prepared for was that basically the army (commander in chief) makes crucial decisions for our family. They determine when he's called up and if he gets transferred and when he works. With the results of the last election done and over with I'm even more terrified. I have no faith in Obama and the way he handled Benghazi and treated the families that lost their loved ones made me sick. I can not get the thought out of my head that this man is commander in chief for my husband and family. How can I have faith that he would give a damn about my husband if/when he gets deployed?
I was so hopeful for the election that our country could change the direction it was headed and have someone that I could at least respect in office. As nervous and anxious and frustrated as I am I can only imagine how my husband feels. Because he's the one, who if called up is willing to put his life on the line.
Our opinions are important to us and last night was so hard. Our spirits were crushed. I don't know what the future of the country is or if Kelly will get deployed. But I'm trying to move on. I will pray for this country and our military and put my trust in Heavenly Father. I kept rereading a post from a friends blog and I can't express the comfort it brings.
"Whether or not the fabric of America is going to change forever with this new administration is unknown at this point. It just may be that America will not be the great nation she once was, as Mike and others fear. But I say, if that is to happen... I would be very sad, but the point of this life and this world was not that America should be great, but that the Kingdom of God should be built upon it [the world]. America served as the vehicle through which this restoration was able to take place. The things that are greatest about this nation are ours because God granted them to us, and inspired a government to be set up that would allow those freedoms to prosper. Whatever happens to this country will not change what our Father in Heaven has in store for us."
Having a husband in the army is such a trying thing. I am so proud of him and the sacrifices he's making to support our family through his hard work and service. While he hasn't been deployed YET he's at the beginning of his term and has 6 more years to go. He's already spent 6 months away from our boys and me and that was the longest 6 months of my life. I felt like he missed out on so much. There were so many little moments with the boys that he didn't get to be there for and that will always make me sad. But such is the army lifestyle and we knew that having long periods of time of him being gone just goes with it. But one thing I was not prepared for was that basically the army (commander in chief) makes crucial decisions for our family. They determine when he's called up and if he gets transferred and when he works. With the results of the last election done and over with I'm even more terrified. I have no faith in Obama and the way he handled Benghazi and treated the families that lost their loved ones made me sick. I can not get the thought out of my head that this man is commander in chief for my husband and family. How can I have faith that he would give a damn about my husband if/when he gets deployed?
I was so hopeful for the election that our country could change the direction it was headed and have someone that I could at least respect in office. As nervous and anxious and frustrated as I am I can only imagine how my husband feels. Because he's the one, who if called up is willing to put his life on the line.
Our opinions are important to us and last night was so hard. Our spirits were crushed. I don't know what the future of the country is or if Kelly will get deployed. But I'm trying to move on. I will pray for this country and our military and put my trust in Heavenly Father. I kept rereading a post from a friends blog and I can't express the comfort it brings.
"Whether or not the fabric of America is going to change forever with this new administration is unknown at this point. It just may be that America will not be the great nation she once was, as Mike and others fear. But I say, if that is to happen... I would be very sad, but the point of this life and this world was not that America should be great, but that the Kingdom of God should be built upon it [the world]. America served as the vehicle through which this restoration was able to take place. The things that are greatest about this nation are ours because God granted them to us, and inspired a government to be set up that would allow those freedoms to prosper. Whatever happens to this country will not change what our Father in Heaven has in store for us."
Saturday, February 18, 2012
The dork on the bike....
Okay, first off, Kelly finally called! It was so nice to talk to him even though it was a sad overall phone call. I'll be the first to admit I'm a baby. I miss him like crazy. But talking to him on the phone really helped give me the boost I needed to have a positive out look. He is working so so hard to make a better life for our family so while he is working hard away from us I need to work that hard taking care of everything at home and our boys.
Now back to the dork on the bike. Yesterday I bought a bike trailer. I grew up next to the Provo river and river trail and now that I'm back there I wanted to take advantage of it again. So since today was kind of the warm before the storm I decided we needed to get out and take it for a test drive. It was a little chilly out but no too bad, until I was sailing down the road on my bike with trailer in tow and realized how freaking cold my ears were getting. Well back to the first part of the story, I'm a baby. So I pulled over and pulled my hood on and pulled the little strings so it was scrunched around my head and kept my ears nice and warm. The only thing sticking out were my nose and sunglasses. I enjoyed a very nice bike ride with the boys after that and only passed a few people that gave me an awkward smile. And Dad, I'm sorry you had to go for a bike ride with a dork.
Friday, February 17, 2012
A child's alphabet
Dylan has been working on learning all his letters and alphabet and all of that fun stuff. So we have a game that doesn't really have a name but we go through the alphabet and say things that start with each letter. He actually has been doing really well meth this but the last time we played it I could not have been more amazed. We started out the game like normal. A is for Alligator and apple. B is for bubbles and book. C is for Christopher and cookie and Cooper. D is of course for Dylan and dinosaur. Well so on and so on. We come to the letter I. Each time I say a letter I pause and let Dylan say a word first. There was no hesitation to the letter I, he shouts Ipod! I was kind of taken back for a second because that was one we'd never used and I didn't even think he knew what an ipod was. So in my moment of hesitation I get a very very exasperated sigh from Dylan and then he starts to explain, "Mom, it's like a computer, you know?" Wow. He sure thinks he's a smartie pants.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Hell Week
Okay so it's been quite a while since I've posted anything here, but seeing as I have a couple hours without my little..... angels I thought I should start getting caught up. Kelly joined the army. That was the main reason we moved back to Provo so I could be around my family and have help with the boys while he is away for training. Still while I knew his date to report to training was coming closer and closer it didn't really seem real, until he left. Now it's very very VERY real. This has been the hardest thing I've ever had to go through and we're just getting started.
The first night he was gone, Dylan peed the bed twice. TWICE are you kidding me? I wanted to just go to bed and cry. But I got up, I changed his sheets and tried to hold it together. But the commotion of changing bedding for the second time woke up Christopher. At that point there really was no point in trying to go back to sleep, but I tried. For an hour plus Christopher threw a huge tantrum. He wouldn't stay in bed but was bent on sitting on the floor against their door yelling, "Mom, Mama, Mommy." I don't know I kept my eyes open the next day. I was exhausted.
The next day I was so excited when it was time to start getting the boys ready for bed. They were tired, I was tired, we all needed a good nights sleep. So after bath time they were all snug in their jammies and Christopher threw up. All over. With Chris, this isn't anything really new, he throws up usually once a week or more. But I don't do good when people throw up. Kelly is the vomit cleaner upper in our house and he was gone.
I quit keeping track after that because there's just been to much. I've cleaned up more vomit and washed more sheets in this past week than I did in a year. And throughout this I've been dying waiting for a phone call or letter or anything from Kelly. I miss him like crazy. We've been together 6 years and never gone more than a few hours without talking to each other. Now it's been just over a week and probably will be another before I hear from him. I'm feeling so over whelmed when I think about how little time has gone by compared to how much time is left. I'm trying so hard to focus on all the positive things that are going to come from this but right now I just miss my best friend.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
My Little Puppy Dogs
Some Fall Fun
Okay so I'm still not too good at consistently blogging but I'm trying. Last week we took the boys to the zoo and they had so much fun. Since we took them on Saturday I just knew the place was going to be crowded so we decided to be there right when they opened, and especially because once it reaches Christopher's nap time there's nothing you can do but stop what ever you're doing and get him home before the mother of all tantrums. So we accomplished our goal. We were there 20 minutes after they opened and we got a parking spot right in the front :) We decided we didn't want to bother with a stroller since the boys would want to be out walking the whole time anyway and planned on using a little monkey back pack leash thing for Chris (Some people are so against those on kids but really once you try it you won't go back. Don't get me wrong parents can use them wrong and drag their kid around.) Anyways we were just going to use ours for Chris but Kelly forgot to grab it as we left the house. So when we got to the zoo we each took a little guy and when it wasn't crowded we ended up giving them a little more freedom and letting them see the park like this....
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