I love my little man!
Friday, September 23, 2011
A Mother's Heartbreak
So Dylan has been sick for a week+ now. He's getting better, just a lot slower than I would like. Tuesday I didn't go to work because he was still really sick and I didn't want any chance that he might give what ever he had to the kids I watch. I was so sad that he would miss pre school Tuesday. He loves it. He loves his teacher and playing with all his friends. But I kept my chin up. I thought it's one day, and if I don't tell him he wouldn't know he even had class he can't be upset. Well Thursday came around and he still wasn't better. So instead of me missing work again Kelly called in and stayed home with him while I went to work. This is when my heart really started to break. I got to work and the little boy I watch that is the same age as Dylan kept asking where he was. Then it was time to get Coop ready and walk him to pre school. I was almost in tears walking him to class with out Dylan. I felt like such a baby. I'm dying waiting for him to get better because I don't know if I can handle that again.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Dylan trouble
Let's go back to last Saturday. I'd gone to bed and woke up to Dylan coughing and hardly breathing and a fever. So this was around midnight and with nothing else open I took him to the ER. There diagnosis was that he had croupe. They gave him a breathing treatment and an oral dose of steroids to help with the swelling and help him be able to get some sleep (and Mommy too) Well he's slowly been getting better but still coughs a lot at night. Since Saturday and since he's not been sleeping very well I've become even more of a light sleeper than usual, listening for any sound that he needs help or is getting really sick again. Well last night everyone was in bed. I was almost asleep and the boys had been asleep for a couple hours when I was jerked back from the verge of sleep by Dylan crying and coughing. I ran in his room to check on him. He was so upset and crying and coughing I could hardly understand him. Then I finally got him calmed down enough to understand what he was saying.... He was asking for candy. I made him repeat this 2 or 5 times just to be sure I heard him right and sure enough he was asking for me to go get him candy. At this point I'm relieved he was okay but still confused enough to not be too upset that I wasn't still in bed asleep. Needless to say he didn't get the candy he wanted and had to go right back to sleep.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Christopher's Terrible Hair Cut
So I have been learning to cut hair, I practice on my boys and occasionally Kelly (There was an incident that I will talk about another time as to why cutting Kelly's hair doesn't happen a lot) This last time though cutting Christopher's hair there was another incident.... I was almost done and he was getting a little impatient. As I tried one more time to just blend the sides with the top he had, had enough and arched his back and began throwing a tantrum. So up the side of his head the buzzer's went ruining his cute little hair cut and leaving him with even less hair than he was born with. Poor kid.

This was about a month ago and now I'm happy to report that his hair is growing and I'm not cutting it again until after Sherry's wedding....
This was about a month ago and now I'm happy to report that his hair is growing and I'm not cutting it again until after Sherry's wedding....
The Daddy Potato :)
We've recently been collecting Mr. Potato head pieces after I totally scored finding a buzz light year potato head with all it's pieces at DI. So after a good cleaning Dylan has been so obsessed with building as many Potato men as he can. I was still shocked by his creativity the other day. He came running up to me saying, "Mommy, Mommy look I built a potato daddy! He even has his hat on backwards!" I'll let the picture do the talking now :)
Okay so WOW I'm behind on blogging! Things have been so crazy around here it's not even funny, so I'm going to use some time tonight to try and catch up. For starters, my oldest little man just started pre school. I was so excited and heartbroken (if that makes any sense) He grew up just a little too fast.

Now I will tell a little secret about my self, you know those story problem worksheets you get in like 2nd and 3rd grade and so on, they are seriously one of my favorite things in the world (how lame I know I like math) and I can't wait until he is bringing home actual homework that I get to "help" him on.
This was Dylan's first day of pre school......
And this is how excited he was to go....
He loves his teacher and she is so amazing! She does the cutest crafts with them and works on teaching them everything to do with writing and reading! I seriously need to post pictures of the stuff he comes home with. I'm so in Mommy heaven now starting a book of all his little school pages and things :)
He loves his teacher and she is so amazing! She does the cutest crafts with them and works on teaching them everything to do with writing and reading! I seriously need to post pictures of the stuff he comes home with. I'm so in Mommy heaven now starting a book of all his little school pages and things :)
Now I will tell a little secret about my self, you know those story problem worksheets you get in like 2nd and 3rd grade and so on, they are seriously one of my favorite things in the world (how lame I know I like math) and I can't wait until he is bringing home actual homework that I get to "help" him on.
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