The boys got so spoiled today. Grandma Desiree took us to the Living Planet Aquarium and Farm Country, the boys had such a great time! They have so many cute things there for little kids. The frogs were one of Dylan's favorites!
They also have a huge open tank with Manta Rays that you can pet. Dylan was so terrified of them. Once all of the rays were on the other end of the tank Dylan decided to get brave and test the water..... then the rays begin to swim back towards him and he freaked out, hilarious Mom moment :) I hope that doesn't make me sound really mean. I wish I would have gotten a picture of the ray coming up the side of the tank towards him but of course the really cool stuff happens the second I put my camera away.
Dylan loved the coral reef tunnels. They have a huge playground thing of them that the kids can explore. So cool!
This was at the end of our visit at the aquarium. We began leaving and Christopher decided he wanted to stay and he was going to get away.
Looks like a lot of fun!